Conceiving a baby, nurturing a baby, giving birth, then guiding the child through toddlerhood and early childhood are different stages in what should be a wonderful process. It is certainly awe-inspiring and exciting as well as daunting. For, of course, alongside the pleasurable anticipations, parents, especially first-time parents, have many questions, e.g. ‘What happens during my baby's development both before and after birth?’, ‘What do I need to know about babies?’, ‘What can I do to give my baby the best start in life?’ and even ‘Who determines whether it is a boy or a girl?’ Often parents think ahead and wonder, ‘Will the things our baby inherits from us influence how they will grow and learn and behave?’ These are vitally important concerns and this chapter will set out to answer questions like these so that parents, professionals and other carers may understand the sequence of events that bring bodily and lifestyle changes for mothers, babies and indeed the whole family. This understanding will support professionals in recognising how family events can impact on the behaviour and learning of the children in their setting. The information will also help them to know what planning and timing of input is most appropriate. In this way they can ensure that each child has the best possible start in life.