[128] ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III (300–350/912–961) – he restores the emirate to strength – he rebuilds the fortress of Ibn Ḥafṣūn – he subdues Tangiers, Ceuta, etc. – his reliance upon Najda al-Ḥ īrī – subsequent defeat of the emir in the ‘campaign of omnipotence' 326/938 – his great building projects – the outstanding men of his court.

[129–130] His scornful letter to Aḥmad al-Qurashī.

[131–133] ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Jawhar's letter and poem to him – ‘Abd al-Malik's poem on the narcissus – ‘Abd al-Malik's poem on his wife.

[134–137] Some lines to the emir by Ismā‘īl ibn Badr – the emir's reply – more lines by Ismā‘īl on the emir.
