There are many people who have played a part in the making of this book whose names will not be mentioned here, lest the list go on interminably. Of those who have played a more direct and immediate role I should mention John Tol and the Victorian Association of Principals of Secondary Schools who were courageous enough to invite me to Australia to address them on the topic of Leadership and Dramatic Consciousness. The multiple drafts of those presentations never stopped moving until I finally sat down and wrote this book. I must also thank other Australian educators such as Hedley Baere, Charles Burford, Brian Caldwell, Colin Moyle and Peter Wood who finally convinced me that I had something to say. I wish also to thank my colleagues at Fordham, especially Bruce Cooper and Tom Mulkeen for supporting me during the year in which this was written. A bow to my brother Bruce who has taught me most about theater and its relationship to living, and who was always there in the wings voicing encouragement. Finally, deep gratitude to my wife, Ruth, who endured my huffing and puffing during the writing of this book.