This project was first developed by the University of Southampton in 2009 as part of the work of Routes South.A full report has also been published (McCall, 2011) which explores the project in more detail and considers its impact in greater depth. The published article presents a detailed analysis of questionnaire responses from the 634 students and twenty teachers involved in the project’s pilot phase and reflects too on the responses with regard to gender. Further materials to accompany those presented in this Part are available from the Routes South website (see useful internet sites listed on the accompanying DVD) which cover over forty hours of class contact. A less extensive version of the Score in French material is presented in this Part, which focuses mainly on the football tournaments that take place in six stages. Students are encouraged to select and introduce their teams to each other; show support for their team; describe parts of the body and talk about injuries.Among the additional DVD materials for this project is an interview in French with two French football-players together with a full transcript in French, a sample certificate you could use at the end of the tournament, a small picture gallery and a list of useful related websites.