Argumentation (or argument) is familiar to all of us. The following three quotations are examples of argumentation:

Mother to daughter

Forget about vacationing all by yourself. No way! When your sister was fourteen, we didn’t let her go either.


Of course I’m in favor of heavier punishment for drug addicts.




Well, otherwise the problem will get worse and worse.


How do you mean?


You know, soon enough the rumor spreads that not much is going to happen, even if you get caught, so they’ll all have a go at it.

Letter to the Editor

Sir, When consideration is being given to a third television channel could not a way be found round the “advertising break” problem by devoting the new channel entirely to advertising? In that way the present commercial channel could be left free from programme breaks (natural or otherwise), thus satisfying those of us who object to these interruptions while those millions who are alleged to prefer “the adverts” will also be made more happy in their viewing.

Yours faithfully, E.H. Dare