In the previous chapters, I established a theory of cohesion, continuity, and coherence. The following summarizes that theory.

Principles of Coherence (Holistic Judgments)

Principle of Continuity: Prefer a discourse in which the information appears relevant and connected.

Principle of Manner: Prefer a discourse in which the information is conveyed clearly.

Principle of Quantity: Prefer a discourse in which the amount of information appears adequate but not superfluous.

Principle of Quality: Prefer a discourse in which the information appears accurate or at least well supported.

Principles of Local Cohesion (Connections between Individual Discourse Elements)

Subprinciple of Similarity: Establish a sense of continuity where there are similar discourse elements.

Subprinciple of Proximity: Establish a sense of continuity where there are spatially or temporally proximate discourse elements.

Principles of Global Cohesion (Discontinuity Creating Discourse Organization)

Subprinciple of Intensity: Organize a discourse into segments based on the relative degree of the sense of continuity.

Subprinciple of Size and Symmetry: Organize a discourse into segments of adequate size and roughly symmetrical distribution.

Metaprinciples (Interaction of Coherence/Cohesion Principles)

Principle of Reinforcement: Strengthen the sense of coherence/continuity where principles support the same sense of coherence or continuity.

Principle of Conflict: Weaken the sense of coherence/continuity where principles support a different sense of coherence or continuity.