Sultan Barkyaruq b. Malik Shah was a good-natured ruler with a pleasing face, boisterous and generous. In his time there occurred many difficult events, unpleasant happenings, upheavals and much agitation. Although he was a youth, he never rested a day until he had taken care of it all. When his father Sultan Malik Shah journeyed from the world to the life to come, he was thirteen years old and the oldest of the brothers. His father had made him crown prince and confirmed his appointment. He urged the amirs to swear allegiance to him. And at the time of his father's death in Baghdad he was in Isfahan. Tarklin Khlitiin had a son from the Sultan named Mal).mud, six years old, and she was with her husband in Baghdad. She asked the caliph to give the Sultanate to her son Mal).mud and order the Friday sermon given in his name in Baghdad. The Caliph did not respond favourably. He said, "Your son is still a child; kingship does not suit him." Tarkan Khlitiin expended much treasure and many rare things. The Caliph had a son named Jacfar, whose mother was Mahmalak Khlitiin, daughter of Malik Shah whom Tarkan Khlitiin was bringing up, and in spite of his father, the Caliph MuqtadI, Tarkan Khlitiin called him Commander of the Faithful. They had intended before the death of Malik Shah to build a Caliph's palace and harem in the Army Bazaar section of Isfahan where the college of Malik Khlitiin is and install him there in the caliphate. MuqtadI was concerned and anxious about this business. And there was good reason for it, for both the genealogy and the power were available to them. Tarkan Khlitiin gave up. She sent this Jacfar to the Caliph. Then the Caliph responded favourably to her request and had the Friday sermon given in the name of her son Mal).mud and wrote a diploma giving him control.