And all this good fortune and happy destiny came to pass by means of the glory, justice, good upbringing, judgment, insight, and the world-conquering, nation-subduing sword of the great Atabeg, Nu~rat al-Dunya wa 'I-DIn Mu1.lammad b. Ildiguz, for a whole kingdom was lost and a malik like Mu1.lammad b. Tughril b. Mul.lammad b. Malik Shah had taken up a position in the middle of the province of Yazd and Isfahan. The rulers of the various regions had pulled the reins of co-operation back to themselves and settled down to await the changes wrought by destiny. Without their aid and assistance, he placed his trust in the aid of the Truth Most High. And by means of the strength of the powerful arm which he possessed, in the space of one month he made two attacks, one to Pars and another to Azerbaijan. He subdued a realm which covered two climes in a short time. He made two covetous maliks content with servitude and sitting in castles, without the favour and aid of the amirs of the various regions. Of necessity, when the supporters of the dynasty saw that fortune obeyed his sharp

After conquest and victory over the land and smiting and overcoming his antagonists, he punished no-one for that languorous vacillation, and, just as befits his gentle nature, essence and good morals, he treated all with kindness and singled them out for increases in livings and fiefs. He lifted the cloak of secret apprehension from their affairs, so that they might rest secure on paths by sweet water and in pastures of luxuriant vegetation. They should ask for the continuance of his regime and all of his favours from God Most High. Because of the abundance of this justice and the great quantity of this benevolence, they should request that, in as short a time as possible, all of the climes of the world come under his command and the control of the slaves of the Supreme Sultan. This is especially true, since every day, upon this Jamshldgloried, lion-hearted, Rustam-bodied, liberal Sultan (may his reign be linked with eternity and his life provided with his heart's desires!) appears a mark among the marks of the sultanate and world rulership. The sign of rectitude is manifested from among the special qualities of rulership, and the sign of world-ruling is upon the breadth of his forehead. The hopes of the slaves and amirs of the dynasty in the days of his sultanate are joined to the happy prospect of permanence, because no ruler among his fathers and grandfathers had altogether these special qualities and the lands which have come to him did not reach them as their inheritance. It is hoped, by the grace of the Truth Most High, that, with all this perfection of reason, abundance of knowledge, completeness of wisdom, spreading of justice, alertness and vigilance regarding the affairs of the land, purity of noble soul, love of learned men, assiduous study of calligraphy and eloquence, skilled horsemanship and spear-handling, and skills and culture which benefit kings and are desirable for their situation (and which God Most High has given and bestowed), each day a new fortune, favour and liberality may be bestowed, so that he may adorn the crown and

The world has not yet spread your scent abroad. Yet remain until the east wind blows upon you.