Nothin~ to be done. I've come around to that conclusion myself, but I've tried to put it from me, sayin~, uDavid, be reasonable, you haven't tried everythin~," and 1resumed the stru~~Ie.

By the time you read this essay, everythin~ I'm taIRin~ about in terms of computer technolo~ywiII be obsolete or nearly so.* The word-processin~ pro~ram that is more than adequate for my needs (1 only use maybe 15% of its capabilities at most) wiII have under~one two or three new permutations and revisions, which ultimately 1 wiII be coerced into buyin~. The operatin~ system, the traffic cop that monitors this and other pro~rams in my computer's hard drive, wiII liRewise have under~one more

up~rades and refinements. FinalIy and most essentialIy, to Reep the whole system uon the square" for peaR operatin~ efficiency because I'II have replaced the above, not only will 1 absolutely need a new microprocessor, the accelerator of this information vehicle, but aIso more RAM (random access memory), which runs the immediate pro~ram within the new and improved

operatin~ environment. In the computer a~e as in none other, the consumer/product circIe remains unbroRen.