KW-Stoff m s. Kohlenwasserstoff kyanisieren to kyanize (to protect wood by saturat­

ing it with aqueous mercuric chloride) Kynurenin n kynurenine, 3-anthraniloyl-L-alanine Kynurensaure /kynurenic acid, 4-hydroxyquino-

line-2 -carboxylic acid Kynurin n kynurine, 4-hydroxyquinoline Kynursaure / kynuric acid, o-carboxyoxanilic acid

L. s. loslich I-= lavogyr L s. 1. Loslichkeitsprodukt; 2. Leuchtdichte Lab n rennet • mit ~ versetzen to rennet (milk) labbehandelt rennet-treated (e.g. casein) Labbruch m rennet curd Labcasein n rennet[-precipitated] casein Labdan[um]... s. Ladanum... laben to rennet (milk) Labenzym n s. Labferment Labessenz /, Labextrakt m rennet extract Labfahigkeit /rennetability, renneting ability,

rennet coagulability Labferment n rennin, chymosin -/mikrobielles microbial rennet Labgarprobe / rennet[-fermentation] test Labgarung / rennet fermentation Labgerinnung / rennet clotting (coagulation) Labgerinnungsfahigkeit f s. Labfahigkeit Labgerinnungszeit /rennet-clotting time, renneting

time labil labile, unstable, instable -/thermisch thermolabile, heat-labile Labilitat / lability, unstableness, instability Labkase m rennet cheese Labkasebruch m rennetcurd Labkoagulation / rennet clotting (coagulation) Labor n s. Laboratorium Laborabriebversuch m laboratory abrasion test Laborant m laboratory assistant Laborantin / [female] laboratory assistant Laborapparat m laboratory apparatus (instrument) Laborarbeit /laboratory work Laboratorium n laboratory, lab -/chemisches chemical (chemistry) laboratory -/heiBes (nucl) hot laboratory -/wissenschaftlich-technisches science-technol-

ogy-type laboratory Laboratoriums... s. Labor... Laborausriistung /, Laborausstattung / labora­

tory (research) equipment Laborbecken n laboratory sink Laborbedingungen fpl laboratory conditions Laborbestimmung /laboratory determination Laborchemikalie / laboratory chemical Laboreinrichtung /laboratory equipment Laborfermenter m (biot) laboratory[-scale] fer­


Laborgerat n laboratory apparatus Laborgerate npl laboratory apparatus (equipment),

labware - aus Gias laboratory glassware Laborglas n chemically resistant glass Laborgrundoperation / laboratory unit operation,

LUO Laborkolonne / laboratory column Laborkugelmiihle /laboratory jar mill labormaBig s. LabormaBstab/im LabormaBstab/im on a (the) laboratory scale,

lab[oratory]-scale Labormethode / laboratory method Laborofen m laboratory furnace Labor-pH-Meter n laboratory pH meter Laborporzellan n laboratory [chemical] porcelain Laborpraktikum n laboratory course (period) Laborprobe / laboratory sample Laborprufung / laboratory testing Laborreaktor m laboratory (bench-scale) reactor Laborruhrer m laboratory agitator (stirrer) Laborruhrwerk n laboratory agitator (stirrer) Laborstamm m (biot) laboratory strain (of microor­

ganisms) Labortagebuch n laboratory manual Labortechnik /laboratory technique labortechnisch 1 . laboratory (e.g. equipment); 2 . s.