Wabenhonig m comb honey Wabenkern m (plast) honeycomb core (of a sand­

wich construction) Wabenmittellage / (plast) honeycomb sandwich Wabenstruktur / honeycomb structure • mit -

honeycombed Wacholder[beer]ol n juniper (Jupiter) oil, oil of

juniper (from Juniperus communis L.) Wacholderteer m gum juniper (from Juniperus specc.) Wachs n wax -/amorphes s. -/mikrokristallines -/Chinesisches Chinese [tree] wax, insect wax,

vegetable spermaceti (secreted by scale lice) -/gebleichtes bleached wax -/gelbes yellow wax (unbleached beeswax) -/grunes s. Myrikatalg -/Japanisches s. -/vegetabilisches -/mikrokristallines micro[crystalline] wax, micro­

paraffin -/mineralisches mineral (fossil) wax -/rohes crude wax -/tierisches animal wax -/vegetabilisches vegetable wax, (specif) sumac

wax, Japan tallow (wax) (from Rhus succedanea L.) -/weiBes white wax, bleached beeswax Wachsappretur / wax finish wachsartig wax-like, waxy Wachsausschmelzmodell n (met) lost-wax invest­

ment pattern, wax pattern Wachsausschmelzverfahren n (met) lost-wax

(cire-perdue) process Wachsbraunkohle / waxy coal wachsen 1. to wax; 2. to grow (as of crystals,

microorganisms); to grow, to propagate (of poly­ mer chains); to increase (of physical parameters)

wachsern waxy wachsfrei wax-free Wachsglanz m (min) waxy lustre wachshaltig wax-containing, wax-bearing Wachskerze / wax candle Wachskohle / waxy coal Wachsleim m (pap) wax size Wachsmodell n[/verlorenes] (met) lost-wax

investment pattern, wax pattern Wachspapier n wax[ed] paper Wachsstarke / waxy starch Wachstuch n oilcloth Wachstum n growth (as of crystals or microorgan­

isms); growth, propagation (of polymer chains); increase (of physical parameters)

-/diauxisches diauxic growth (of microorganisms) Wachstumsbedingungen fpl growth conditions Wachstumsfaktor m growth factor wachstumsfordernd growth-promoting Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit / growth rate, rate of

growth, (relating to polymer chains also) rate of propagation

- der Mikroorganismen (hyd) biomass growth rate, rate of biomass formation (production)

-/maximale maximum growth rate

wachstumshemmend growth-inhibiting, growth-

inhibitory Wachstumshemmung /growth inhibition Wachstumshormon n growth hormone, GH,

somatotropin -/menschliches human growth hormone, HGH Wachstumsinhibitor m growth inhibitor Wachstumskinetik f (biot) growth kinetics Wachstumskurve f (biot) growth curve Wachstumsmechanismus m growth mechanism

(polymerization) Wachstumsmedium n (biot) growth medium Wachstumsperiode / period of growth; period of

chain growth (propagation) (polymerization) Wachstumsphase f (biot, hyd) growth phase -/abnehmende declining (declined) growth phase -/endogene death (endogenous growth) phase -/exponentielle s. -/logarithmische -/logarithmische logarithmic growth phase, log

phase Wachstumsrate /growth rate, rate of growth Wachstumsreaktion / growth (propagation)

reaction (polymerization) Wachstumsregulator m growth-regulating sub­

stance, growth regulator (modifier) Wachstumsschritt m growth (propagation) step

(polymerization) Wachstumsstadium n growth (propagation) stage

(of polymers) wachstumsstimulierend growth-promoting Wachter m (tech) safeguard Wackelsitz m (bioch) wobble position (of the third

base of a base triplet) Wad n(m) (min)wa6, bog manganese, black ochre

(manganese(IV) oxide) Wadsworth-Anordnung /, Wadsworth-Aufstel-

lung / (spectr) Wadsworth mounting waf s. wasser-und aschefrei wagbar weighable Wagebehalter m weighing tank Wageburette / weighing (weight) burette Wagefehler m weighing error, error in weighing Wageflaschchen n [fur Dichtemessungen] den­

sity (specific gravity) bottle (flask), pycnometer Wageform / weighing form (gravimetric analysis) WagegefaB n weighing tank Wageglas n, Wageglaschen n weighing bottle Wagegut n material being or to be weighed Wagekasten m weight box wagen to weigh -/auf ein Milligramm genau to weigh to the near­

est milligram, to weigh to 1 mg accuracy -/nochmals to reweigh -/vorher to preweigh Wagepipette / weighing pipette Wageraum m weighing (balance) room Wagerohrchen n weighing piggy Wagesatz m set of weights Wageschiffchen n weighing scoop, balance dish

Wageschweinchen n s. Wagerohrchen Wagestuck n balance weight Wagestuckkasten m weight box Wagetisch m balance table Wagezimmer n weighing (balance) room Wagging-Schwingung / (spectr) wagging vibration Wagner-Meerwein-Umlagerung / (org ch) Wag-

ner-Meerwein rearrangement Wagung /weighing -/Bordasche Borda’s method of weighing -/direkte (einfache) direct weighing -/GauBsche Gauss’s method of double weighing Wagungs... s. Wage... wahrnehmbar/geruchlich detectable by odour -/geschmacklich detectable by taste Wahrscheinlichkeit //thermodynamische ther­

modynamic probability Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichte /probability density ~ der Elektronen electron probability density Wahrscheinlichkeitsfaktor m probability (steric)

factor (reaction kinetics) Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung / probability

distribution, distribution of a random variable Waid m woad (natural dye from Isatis tinctoria L.) Waldboden m/brauner brown forest soil, brown

earth Walden-Umkehr / Walden inversion, inversion of

configuration Waldtorf m forest peat Walke /1. (text) milling, fulling; 2. s. Walkmaschine -/alkalische alkali[ne] milling -/saure acid milling Walkechtheit / (text) fastness to milling walken 1. (text, tann) to mill, to full; 2. (ceram) to

wedge Walk[er]erde /fuller’s earth Walkfett n (tann) dressing grease Walkmaschine / milling (fulling) machine, mill,

beater Wallace-Hartemesser m (rubber) Wallace pocket

meter Wallach-Umlagerung /Wallach rearrangement (of

azoxybenzene into 4-hydroxyazobenzene) Wallebertran m whale-liver oil wallen to bubble, to boil up Wallner-Linien fpl (glass) Wallner lines WalnuBol n walnut oil (from Juglans regia L.) Walol n 1. whale (train) oil; 2. s. Walratol Walrat m(n) spermaceti [wax] Walratol n sperm [whale] oil -/mineralisches mineral sperm [oil] Waltran m whale (train, blubber) oil Waltranhartfett n hydrogenated whale oil Walzblech n rolled plate Walzblock m (met) billet Walzdruck m roll pressure Walze /roll[er], (if hollow:) cylinder, drum • mit

mehreren Walzen [versehen] multirollfer], multiple-roll

730 ~ der Greiferpresse (Transportpresse, Zug-

presse) (pap) tag roll, squeeze (squeezing, drawing-in) roll

-/elastische (pap) filled (resilient) roll (of a super­ calender)

-/geriffelte corrugated (fluted) roll ~/gummierte rubber-covered roll -/parallel gefuhrte parallel roll -/schwimmende (text) swimming roll walzen to roll, to mill Walzen fp//gegenlaufige contrarotating rolls walzen (glass) to marver (a gather on a flat plate) Walzenabnahme f roll discharge WalzenanpreBdruck m nip pressure Walzenauftragmaschine f roll coater Walzenaushebeverfahren n (glass) machine

cylinder method Walzenbelastung / roll loading Walzenbelufter m/m it Platten besttickter (hyd)

plate aerator Walzenblasverfahren n (glass) hand cylinder

method Walzenbombage f roll crown Walzenbrecher m roll[er] crusher ~ mit geriffelten Walzen corrugated-roll crusher ~ mit glatten Walzen smooth-roll crusher Walzenbrikett[ier]presse f roll-type briquette

(briquetting) machine, Belgium roll machine Walzendruck m 1. roll[er] pressure; 2. (text) roll[er]

printing Walzendunnschichttrockner m drum film dryer Walzenglattwerk n calender [machine] Walzenkoronascheider m high-tension separator Walzenlager n roll[er] bearing Walzenmesser npl (pap) [beater] roll bars, fly bars,

roll blades (of a Hollander beater) Walzenmilch f s. Walzenmilchpulver Walzenmilchpulver n roller-dried milk powder Walzenmischer m mixing mill (rolls) Walzenmischung f (rubber) roll compound Walzenmuhle f roll[er] mill, roller-milling system Walzenoberflache f roll surface Walzenpaar n roll[er] pair Walzenpresse f \ . roll[er] press; 2. (lab) cork roller Waizenpulver n s. Walzenmilchpulver Walzenringmiihle / ring-roll mill (with vertical

grinding ring) Walzensatz m set (stack) of rolls Walzenscheider m rotor separator, induced-roll

[magnetic] separator, magnetic drum [separator] Walzenschiff n (rubber) mill pan (in a mixing mill) Walzenschrankung /skew (cross-axis) mounting Walzenschusselmiihle f[roller-and-]bowl mill Walzensinter m s. Walzzunder Walzenspalt m roll nip, nip of the rolls, bite

(clearance between the rolls) Walzenstreichmaschine f roll coater Walzenstuhl m roll[er] mill, roller-milling system Walzentrockner m drum dryer

Walzentrocknung f drum drying Walzfell n (plast) rolled sheet Walzgerust n rolling-mill stand Walzglas n rolled glass Walzhaut f s. Walzzunder Walzkolbengeblase n Roots (cycloidal) blower Walzkolbenverdichter m straight-lobe compressor Walzlagerfett n antifriction bearing grease Walzmaschine f (glass) rolling (casting) machine Walzmuhle /roll[er] mill Walzofen m (met) Waelz kiln Walzplatte f (glass) marver [plate] Walzpuppe f (plast) billet Walzsieb n revolving (drum) screen, trommel

[screen] Walzsinter m s. Walzzunder Walzwerk n rolling mill; (rubber) open roll mill • auf

dem ~ mischen (rubber) to mill-mix -/enggestelltes (rubber) tight mill ~ zum Mastizieren (rubber) masticating mill Walzzunder m (met) roll[ing] scale, mill scale Wand f tBlochsche (cryst) Bloch (domain) wall -/halbdurchlassige (semipermeable) semiper-

meable membrane Wanddicke f wall thickness WandeinfluB m wall effect (on the course of a

reaction) Wanderbett n moving bed Wanderbettreaktor m moving-bed reactor Wanderbettverfahren n moving-bed process Wanderflache f (nucl) migration area Wanderlange f (nucl) migration length wandern to travel (as of bulk material being pro­

cessed)] to migrate (as of ions, groups, or pig­ ments)] to move (as in a chromatogram)] (petrol) to migrate; to drift (as of zero point)

Wandern n der Schmelzzone zone travelling] (in zone melting)

Wandernutsche /travelling-pan filter, TP filter Wanderrost m travelling (chain) grate Wanderrostfeuerung /chain-grate stoker Wanderung f travel (as of bulk material being

processed)] migration (as of ions, groups, or pig­ ments)] movement (as in a chromatogram)] (petrol) migration; drift (as of zero point)

wanderungsbestandig non-migrating (e.g. pig­ ments)

Wanderungsgeschwindigkeit f travel rate (as of bulk material being processed)] migration rate (velocity) (as of ions)

~ der Schmelzzone rate of zone travel, zone (zon­ ing) speed (in zone melting)

~ der Teilchen velocity of particle motion Wanderungsrichtung f der Schmelzzone direc­

tion of zoning (zone travel) (in zone melting) Wanderungsstrom m (el ch) migration current Wandfarbe f wall paint -/geleimte distemper (in a larger sense, white or


731 -/weiBe geleimte calcimine (powder)-, [white]

distemper, whitewash (paste, jelly, or suspension) Wandflache / der Makroporen macroporous area

(in activated carbon) - der Mikroporen microporous area (in activated

carbon) Wandfliese / wall tile Wandkatalyse / wall catalysis Wandpappe / wall board Wandreaktion /wall reaction Wandreibung / wall friction Wandturbulenz / wall turbulence Wandung /wall Wanne /1. (tech) trough, vat; back (brewing,

dyeing, soap manufacture)-, (glass) tank; crucible (of an arc furnace)-, 2. s. Wannenform

-/kontinuierliche (glass) continuous tank -/periodische (glass) day tank -/pneumatische pneumatic trough Wannenform / boat [form] (stereochemistry) Wannenglas n tank glass Wannenkonformation / boat (tub) conformation

(stereochemistry) Wannenofen m (glass) tank furnace - mit Langsfeuerung end-fired (end-port) furnace - mit Querbrennern (Querfeuerung, querzie-

hender Flamme) s. -/querbeheizter -/querbeheizter side-fired (side-port) furnace Wannenstein m (glass) tank block Warburg-Dickens-Horecker-Schema n s. Pento­

sephosphat-Weg Ward-Feuerung /Ward bagasse furnace Ware / (ceram) ware -/Delfter delft[ware], delph[ware] -/einmal gebrannte once-fired ware -/geschriihte biscuit, bisque, biscuitted (biscuit-

fired) ware Warendichte / (text) gauge, gg. Warenname mlfreier non-proprietary name Warenprobe /sample Warenspeicher m (text) J box (as for bleaching) Warenzeichen n trademark -/eingetragenes (registriertes) registered trade­

mark Warenzeicheninhaber m registrant warmbehandeln (met) to heat-treat Warmbehandlung / (met) heat treatment Warmbehandlungsofen m heat-treatment furnace warmblasen to blast, to blow (in producing water

gas) Warmblasen n blasting, blow[ing] (in producing

water gas) Warmblaseperiode / blow period (in producing

water gas) Warmbleiche / (pap) warm bleachfing] warmbruchig (met) hot-short Warmbruchigkeit / (met) hot shortness Warme / (phys ch, tech) heat; (sensation:) warm­

ness, warmth

-/differentielle differential heat -/fuhlbare sensible heat -/gebundene latent heat -/integrale integral heat -/intermediare s. -/differentielle -/latente latent heat -/maBige moderate heat -/radiogene radiogenic (radioactive) heat -/spezifische s. Warmekapazitat/spezifische Warmeabbau ad thermal degradation, degradation

by heat warmeabgebend exothermic, heat-giving Warmeableitung /dissipation of heat, thermal dis­

sipation • mit geringer - low-thermal-dissipation Warmealterung / heat ageing, thermosenescence Warmeanderung / heat change Warmeanstieg m heat rise Warmeanwendung /application of heat Warmeaquivalent n equivalent of heat -/elektrisches electrical equivalent of heat -/mechanisches mechanical equivalent of heat warmeaufnehmend endothermic Warmeausdehnung /thermal expansion Warmeausdehnungskoeffizient m, Warmeaus-

dehnungszahl /coefficient of thermal expansion Warmeausgleichgrube / (met) soak[ing] pit Warmeausstrahlung / heat radiation, thermal

(calorific, caloric) radiation Warmeaustausch m heat exchange (interchange),

thermal transfer Warmeaustauschabteilung //regenerative

regeneration section (of a plate pasteurizer) Warmeaustauschapparat m s. Warmeubertrager Warmeaustauscher m s. Warmeubertrager Warmeaustauschflache / heat-exchanging (heat-

exchange) surface Warmebearbeitung / (ch) heat processing Warmebedarf m heat requirements], (quantita­

tively also) amount of heat required Warmebehalter m heat reservoir warmebehandeln to heat-treat Warmebehandlung / heat treatment (processing) Warmebehandlungsofen m heat-treatment fur­

nace Warmebelastung / heat load warmebestandig heat-resistant, thermally stable

(e.g. plastics) Warmebestandigkeit / heat resistance, thermal

stability (as of plastics) Warmebewegung / thermal motion (agitation) Warmebilanz / heat balance Warmebildung / heat production Warmebildungskoeffizient m (biot) heat produc­

tion coefficient Warmebildungsrate / (biot) heat production rate warmebindend endothermic warmedammend heat-insulating Warmedammstoff m heat-insulating material, ther­

mal (heat) insulator

Warmedammung f thermal (heat) insulation • mit

- heat-insulated Warmedehnung f thermal expansion Warmedehnungsbeiwert m coefficient of thermal

expansion Warmedurchgangskoeffizient m overall heat-

transfer coefficient warmedurchlassig diathermanous, diathermic Warmedurchlassigkeit f diatherma[n]cy Warmeeffekt m heat effect Warmeeinheit f unit of heat, heat unit Warmeeintrag m heat input (addition) warmeempfindlich heat-sensitive Warmeempfindlichkeit f heat sensitivity Warmeenergie f thermal (heat) energy Warmeentwicklung f evolution of heat; (rubber)

heat (temperature) build-up (with dynamic stress) -/starke large evolution of heat warmeerzeugend heat-generating, calorific,

calorigenic Warmeexplosion f thermal explosion warmefest s. warmebestandig WarmefluB m heat flow Warmeformbestandigkeit f heat deflection tem­

perature (of plastics) Warmefreisetzung f heat release Warmefunktion ftGibbssche Gibbs function (free

energy), free energy G, free enthalpy Warmegrube f (met) soak[ing] pit warmehartbar, warmehartend (plast) thermoset­

ting, thermoreactive, heat-curable Warmehaushalt m heat balance Warmeinhalt m heat content, (per unit mass also)

enthalpy, heat function at constant pressure Warmeinhalts-Konzentrations-Diagramm n

enthalpy/concentration diagram, heat-content/ concentration diagram (chart)

Warmeinhalts-Temperatur-Diagramm n enthalpy/ temperature diagram, heat-content/temperature diagram (chart), It diagram

Warmeisolator n s. Warmedammstoff Warmeisolierung f s. Warmedammung Warmekammer Cheated chamber Warmekapazitat f heat (thermal) capacity ~ bei konstantem Druck isobaric heat capacity - bei konstantem Volumen isochoric (constant

volume) heat capacity -/moiare molar heat capacity -/spezifische specific heat capacity Warmekonvektion f thermal convection (siphoning) - bei erzwungener Stromung forced convection - bei freier Stromung natural convection -/erzwungene forced convection -/freie natural convection Warmeleistung f heat flow Warmeleiter m heat conductor -/schlechter poor heat conductor Warmeleitfahigkeit f 1. thermal (heat) conductivity;

2. s. Warmeleitzahl

Warmeleitfahigkeitsdetektor m, Warmeleitfahigkeits[meB]zelle f thermal-conductivity detector (cell), katharometer

Warmeleitung f heat (thermal) conduction Warmeleitvakuummeter n thermal conductivity

[vacuum] gauge Warmeleitvermdgen n 1. thermal (heat) conductiv­

ity; 2. s. Warmeleitzahl -/spezifisches s. Warmeleitzahl Warmeleitzahl f coefficient of thermal conduction,

specific thermal conductivity warmeliebend thermophilic, thermophilous warmeliefernd exothermic, heat-giving Warmemenge f quantity (amount) of heat Warmemitfuhrung f thermal convection (siphoning) warmen to warm [up] Warmenachbehandlung f post-heat treatment Warmeofen m heating furnace warmeoxidativ thermal-oxidative Warmeplastizitat f thermoplasticity Warmepolymer[e] n, Warmepolymerisat n

(rubber) hot (high-temperature) polymer Warmepolymerisation f (rubber) hot (high-

temperature) polymerization; (petrol) thermal polymerization

Warmeproduktion f heat production Warmepumpe f heat pump Warmequelle f heat source Warmeregler m temperature controller, ther­

moregulator, thermostat Warmereservoir n heat reservoir Warmeruckgewinnung f heat recovery Warmesatz m/Nernstscher s. Warmetheo-

rem[/Nernstsches] Warmeschutz m thermal (heat) insulation Warmeschutzglas n heat-absorbing glass Warmeschutzstoff m heat-insulating material, heat

insulator Warmeschwingung f (cryst) thermal vibration warmesensibel eingestellt (rubber) heat-sensi­

tized Warmesensibilisierung f heat sensitization Warmesensibilisierungsmittel n heat sensitizer Warmespeicher m heat reservoir (accumulator) Warmespeicherung f heat storage Warmespritzen n (plast) flame spraying warmestabil s. warmebestandig Warmestabilisator m heat stabilizer Warmestabilisierung f heat stabilization Warmestabilisierungsmittel n heat stabilizer Warmestein m pebble (of a pebble heater) Warmesteinerhitzer m pebble heater (stove) Warmesteinschuttung f pebble bed (in a pebble

heater) Warmestrahler m heat lamp Warmestrahlung f heat radiation, thermal (calorif­

ic, caloric) radiation Warmestrom m rate of heat flow (heat conduction)-,

rate of heat transfer

Warmestrombilanz /enthalpy balance Warmestromdichte /, Warmestromintensitat /

heat (thermal) flux Warmetauscher m s. Warmeubertrager Warmetheorem n[/Nernstsches] [Nernst] heat

theorem, third law of thermodynamics Warmetonung / heat tonality Warmetrager m heat carrier, heat-exchanging

(heat-transfer) medium, heating medium -/flussiger thermal liquid Warmetransmissionskoeffizient m coefficient of

heat transfer Warmetransport /77[/molekularer] s. Warmeuber-

tragung Warmeiibergang m heat (thermal) transfer Warmeubergangskoeffizient m, Warmeuber-

gangszahl / heat-transfer coefficient Warmeubertrager m heat exchanger (interchang-

er) -/direkter direct-contact heat exchanger ~ mit rotierenden Einbauten scraped-surface

exchanger - mit Schwimmkopf floating-head [heat] exchang­

er Warmeubertrager m s. 1. Warmeubertrager; 2.