Abbauleistung f (biot) efficiency of degradation; (hyd) biological efficiency

Abbaumittel n (rubber) plasticizing (peptizing) agent, plasticizer, peptizer

Abbauprodukt n degradation (decomposition, breakdown) product

Abbaureaktion /degradation (degradative) reac­ tion, decomposition (breakdown) reaction

abbauresistent non-degradable, (hyd specif) nonbiodegradable, resistant to biological degradation, biologically inert

Abbauschritt m, Abbaustufe /step in degradation (decomposition), (bioch also) catabolic step

Abbauvorgang m degradation (degradative) pro­ cess, (bioch also) catabolic process

Abbauweg m degradation (degradative) pathway, (bioch also) catabolic pathway (route)

Abbauwirkung f (rubber) peptizing effect Abbauwurdigkeit f (mine) workability abbeizen to strip, to pickle, to remove old paint Abbeizen n [paint] stripping, pickling, removal of

old paint

Abbeizmittel n paint stripper (remover), organic

coating stripper Abbe-Refraktometer n Abbe refractometer Abbe-Spektrometer n Abbe spectrometer Abbindebeschleuniger m (build) [setting, cement­

ing] accelerator Abbindedauer f (build) setting (set-up) time abbinden (build) to set, to harden Abbinden n (build) set[ting], hardening Abbinderegler m (build) quick-setting agent, quick

hardener Abbindeverhalten n (build) setting behaviour Abbindeverzdgerer m (build) [setting] retarder Abbindeverzdgerung f (build) retarding of the set Abbindezeit fs. Abbindedauer Abblasedruck m relieving (blow-off) pressure abblasen 1. to blow off (e.g. steam)-, 2. (pap) to

blow [off] (a digester)', 3. (met) to blow out (a blast furnace)

Abblasen n 1. blow[ing]-off (as of steam)] 2. (pap) [digester] blow, blowing; (filtr) blow discharge; 3. (met) blowing-out (of a blast furnace)

Abblasleitung / blow pipe, blowpipe Abblasprodukt n (pap) blow-off -/gasfdrmiges blow-pit gas, gaseous blow-off abblattern to peel [off], to flake [off], to scale [off],

to spall [off], to exfoliate Abblatterungsgrad m degree of flaking (scaling) Abbot-Cox-Farbeverfahren n Abbot-Cox process Abbrand m (met) calcine (product of roasting);

(nucl) burn-up Abbrandauslauf m, Abbrandaustrag m (met) cal-

cine-discharge outlet Abbrandkiihler m (met) calcine cooler Abbrandmittel n (agric) desiccant Abbrandsammelbehalter m (met) calcine-collect-

ing tank abbrausen (min tech) to spray (classified material) Abbrausen n mit Wasser water spraying abbrechen to arrest (a reaction); to terminate, to

break (a chain); to terminate, to shortstop (po­ lymerization)

abbremsen to slow down, to decelerate, to retard; (nucl) to moderate

Abbremsung fslowing-down, deceleration, retar­ dation; (nucl) moderation

abbrennen to burn off (e.g. old paint); (text) to singe; to deflagrate (as of explosives)

Abbrennen a? burning-off (as of old paint); (text) singeing; deflagration (as of explosives)

-/explosionsfreies deflagration Abbrennloffel m deflagrating (deflagration) spoon Abbrennmittel n (agric) deflagrating agent abbrockeln to crumble away Abbruch m arrest (of a reaction); termination,

breaking (of a chain); termination, shortstopping (of polymerization)

AbbruchgroGe fcut off [size] (of aerosol particles) Abbruchreaktion fs. Kettenabbruchreaktion

Abbruchstadium n termination stage abbuffen (tann) to buff (the grain) Abdampf m exhaust (dead) steam abdampfen to evaporate [off]; to bleed (gas chro­

matography) Abdampfen n evaporation; bleeding (gas chroma­

tography) AbdampfgefaB n evaporating vessel Abdampfleitung f waste-steam line Abdampfpfanne f evaporating pan Abdampfriickstand m residue on evaporation Abdampfschale f (lab) evaporating dish, (UK also)

basin Abdampfschalenhalter m (lab) dish tongue abdarren (term) to kiln-dry Abdarrtemperatur f (ferm) kiln temperature abdecken 1. to cover [over] (e.g. a vessel); 2. to

coat, to cover (leather); 3. s. -/lokal -/lokal to stop off (to protect desired areas from

chemical action) Abdecken n/lokales stopping-off (protection of

desired areas from chemical action) ~ mit Mutterboden (hyd) topsoiling (of deposited

sludge) Abdeckpappe f carpet felt, felt brown Abdeckplatte f cover [plate] Abdeckung f resist, stop-off [coating] (electroplat­

ing) abdekantieren to decant off abdestillieren to distil off, to strip [off, out], to

remove by distillation; to distil off (of a liquid) abdichten to make tight, to seal, to pack, to ca[u]lk;

to waterproof; to gasproof abdiffundieren to diffuse away Abdiffusion f diffusing-away Abdrift f (agric) blow-off, drift (as of pesticides) - des Spruhmittels spray drift Abdruck m impression, mark, stamp; print; replica

(plastic film produced on surface structures for electron microscopy)

abdrucken/sich to set off (of printing ink) Abdrucken n offset (of printing ink) Abdrucken n von oben (plast) top ejection abdunsten to evaporate Abel-Apparat m s. Abel-Flammpunkt[s]prufer Abel-Flammpunkt[s]prufer m Abel flash-point

apparatus, Abel apparatus (tester) Abel-Pensky-Flammpunkt[s]prufer m Abel-

Pensky apparatus (tester) Abel-Test m Abel test (1. for determining the flash

point of an oil; 2. for determining the stability of an explosive)

Abessinierbrunnen m (hyd) driven well abfahren to scan (a measuring range) -/nochmals to rescan Abfall m 1. waste [material], refuse, scrap; rubbish,

(Am) garbage; (plast, glass) cull; 2. s. Abfallen -/aufgearbeiteter (plast) reground material -/hauslicher m domestic (household) waste

-/heiBer (nucl) hot (high-activity, high-level) waste -/hochaktiver s. -/heiBer -/radioaktiver nuclear (radioactive) waste Abfallauge f waste (spent) lye, waste (spent) liquor Abfallbehalter m (lab) waste jar Abfallbehandlung fs. Abproduktbehandlung abfallen to drop, to decrease, to fall [off] (as of

measuring values) ~/im Farbton to be off-shade Abfallen n drop, decrease, fall (as of measuring

values) ~ der freien Induktion (spectr) free induction

decay, FID ~ des Drucks pressure drop Abfallgummi m rubber scrap (waste), scrap

(waste) rubber Abfallholz n (pap) waste wood Abfallkalk m (agric) by-product lime Abfallkubel m (lab) waste jar, (earthenware also)

waste (disposal) crock Abfallpapier n waste (old) paper Abfallprodukt n s. Abprodukt Abfallsaure f waste (residuary) acid Abfallschlicker m (ceram) casting scrap Abfallstoff m s. Abprodukt Abfallvernichtung fs. Abproduktbeseitigung abfangen to catch, to trap, to intercept, to steal

away (reactive intermediates) -/Konzentrationsschwankungen (hyd) to smooth

out the concentration Abfangen n catching, trapping, interception (of

reactive intermediates) Abfangreaktion f trapping reaction abfarben to lose colour, to bleed, to mark off; (tann)

to colour (to tan slightly) abfehmen (glass) to skim Abfehmer m (glass) skimmer abfeimen s. abfehmen abfiltern s. abfiltrieren abfiltrierbar removable by filtration abfiltrieren to filter off (out), to remove by filtration ~/in Filterpressen to filter-press abflammen (text) to singe; (bioch) to flame (for

killing microorganisms) abflecken (dye) to stain, to mark off abflieBen to flow [off], to run [off], to drain [off] ~ lassen to drain [off], to run [off], to discharge AbflieBen n flowing-off, draining-off, drainage,

effluence AbfluB m 1. s. AbflieBen; 2. discharge [point],

outlet, outflow, drain; 3. s. Ablauf 3. AbfluBbecken n (lab) [bench] sink AbfluBleitung f discharge (delivery) line, drain

(drainage, runoff, outlet) line; waste line AbfluBmenge f outflow, runoff AbfluBmengenmesser m effluent recorder AbfluBoffnung f discharge opening, discharge out­

let (door, aperture, port) AbfluBregler m effluent (outlet) weir

AbfluBrohr n discharge tube (pipe), drainage (de­ livery) tube, runoff (effluent, outlet) tube; waste tube (pipe)

AbfluBschwankung f (hyd) effluent flow variation AbfluBstutzen m discharge tube (pipe) (short) AbfluBventil n discharge (outlet) valve abfiihren 1. to lead off (away), to carry off, to drain

off (away), to draw off, to withdraw (liquids or gases); to exhaust (gases)] to dissipate, to elimi­ nate (heat)] 2. (pharm) to purge

Abfuhrmittel n (pharm) cathartic -/maBig starkes purgative -/mildes laxative, mild cathartic -/starkes drastic, strong purgative Abfiillabteilung f filling plant, (esp) bottling plant

(department), bottle house, bottlery Abfullautomat m filling machine, (esp) bottling

(bottle-filling) machine, bottle filler, bottler abfullen/auf Fasser to barrel, to rack ~/auf Flaschen to bottle [in, up], (Am also) to can Abfullerei fs. Abfullabteilung Abfullhahn m racking cock Abfullmaschine f s. Abfullautomat Abfullschlauch m racking hose Abgabe / release, liberation, evolution (as of gases,

heat)] release, donation (of electrons, ions) Abgang m 1. loss; 2. waste [material, product]; 3.