Psychographics starts with a person’s activities (what we do), interests (what we want), and opinions (what we think), often made into the acronym AIO. Psychographics has been around for a while; no one individual can claim to have created it, as it arose in the late 1960s and early 1970s from several strands of behavioral research. As a result of this creation from several strands of research, there are several directions in which psychographics go, some of which are mutually exclusive. It has been around for over a generation and uses lifestyle, social class, values, attitudes and other psychological attributes—often overlaid on some demographic information—to create multiple segments. At its heart, psychographics says that what people think and believe, the values they hold, and how they live and spend their money allow us to be able to predict consumer behavior (Demby, 1974, 1989).