The blue, the green, and the brown are not – unlike the red, white, and blue – stripes

on a flag. They are terms used to describe, rather loosely, the waters of the ocean (the

‘blue’), the waters around coasts (the ‘green’), and the waters of rivers and lakes (the

‘brown’). Insurgency operations have been mounted on all of them. The aim of this

paper is to provide an introduction to maritime insurgency. It will look at selected his-

torical and contemporary examples of insurgent operations in each of these environ-

ments, and then address movement and supply operations that are undertaken on all

three. It will show, first, that insurgency can take place at sea (and along coasts and

rivers), but always with the aim of achieving effect on land and, second, that the links

between insurgent and criminal activity are becoming more prevalent, such that the

tactics and practices of both are becoming difficult to tell apart.