Modernity's Promethean Project According to the ancient Greek myth of Prometheus, when Zeus withheld the gift of fire from humankind in one of his customary moments of rage, Prometheus (literally meaning the one who foresees) stole a branch of the holy fire and brought it back to Men, thus contributing greatly towards making nature work for the benefit of humankind against all odds - even against the gods' will. Prometheus' act, however, was the embodiment of hubris, and the outraged Zeus ordered KpaTOr (the State) and Bfa (Violence) to seize and bind Prometheus on Mt. Caucasus where an eagle fed daily upon his liver, which would regenerate itself in the evening, thus making the torture last for ever. Despite the torture, Prometheus would never cease to despise Zeus and after thirty thousand years of suffering he was finally released and took his honorary place among the immortals.2