The archaeological significance of Remojadas is in its evidence for the nature of the local artifact transition from Late Formative to Early Classic times, its contextual affirmation of the diversity and strength of the coastal figurine traditions, and its confirmation of the dynamic stylistic and manufacturing modifications of the Early Classic. There has been no follow-up stratigraphie explo­ ration at the site or environs to define both initiating and ending occupations, as well as to extend knowledge of the chronological variation of the figurines of the immediate region, which except in Remojadas have pre­ dominantly been derived from uncontrolled contexts. Little is known of the settlement pattern of this specific zone of south central Veracruz, but many sites of similar and larger size are to be found in the vicinity. The site today remains much as it was when first explored, beneath agricultural fields at the edge of a small village of the same name.