I alw ays th o u gh t I w anted to be a teacher; I really never th ou g h t about law enforcem ent. In ’67 after college, I w ent back to m y hom e tow n and taught w orld h istory and A frican and Asian cu ltu re in the high school. D u rin g the

second year I started feeling frustrated. A lot was going on in A m erica at the

tim e-the D em ocratic convention, the V iet N am War was really starting to

crank up, the assassinations o f M artin Lu th er K ing and R obert K ennedy-and

I felt I was teaching about h istory w h en all o f this h istory was going on around

m e. I w anted to be a part o f the h istory that was going on in A m erica.