The task of Chapter 8 is to develop a definition and distinguish different dimensions of alternative media. Subjective, objective and dialectical concepts of alternative media are distinguished. Critical media are critical because of five actual or potential qualities: (1) negation of the negation at the content level, (2) negation of the negation at the form level, (3) dialectical realism at the content level, (4) dialectical realism at the form level and (5) the materialistic expression of the interests of the dominated at the content level. Critical media take the standpoint of oppressed or exploited classes and make the judgement that structures of oppression and exploitation benefit certain classes at the expense of others and hence should be radically transformed by social struggles. The concept of critical media is connected to Oskar Negt’s and Alexander Kluge’s notion of the counter-public sphere. A typology of different alternative media forms is introduced. Qualities of an alternative Internet are identified.