FOR information on the phenomenology of Mrs Leonard’s mediumship we have two main sources. One is a paper by Una Lady Troubridge, entitled ‘The Modus Operandi in socalled Mediumistic Trance’. This appeared in S.P.R. Proceedings, Vol. XXXII, and there is a short sequel to it in Vol. XXXIV. The other is two papers by Mr Drayton Thomas. The first, entitled ‘The Modus Operandi of Trance Communications’ is in S.P.R. Proceedings, Vol. XXXVIII. The second, entitled ‘A New Hypothesis concerning Trance Communication’, is in Vol. XLVIII. Another important source of information is a paper by Mrs Salter, entitled ‘Some Incidents occurring at Sittings with Mrs Leonard, which may throw Light on their Modus Operandi’. This is to be found in Proceedings, Vol. XXXIX. In addition we have Mrs Leonard’s autobiographical book, My Life in Two Worlds, published in 1931. Finally, reference must be made to a series of papers by Mr Whately Carington, entitled ‘Quantitative Studies of Trance Personalities’. In these he describes his application of certain psychological tests to Mrs Leonard and certain other mediums under various conditions, and his statistical treatment of the results. These papers are in Vols. XLII, XLIII, and XLIV of Proceedings. In the last of these volumes there is a valuable summary and criticism of this work, by Dr Thouless.