After studying this chapter you will be able to:

Discuss the meaning of creativity through its different definitions, and by introducing the paradoxes, challenges, gaps and asynchronies it raises in the entrepreneurial realm.

Delineate the role and relevance of creativity in entrepreneurship and specifically in the process of venture creation.

Identify the key factors of creativity in the course of the entrepreneurial life cycle.

Recognize the relationships of creativity with: the environment, the business’s idea and vision, the business’s structure and organization, the team and employees.

Distinguish between the different factors that stimulate the development of a creative idea.

Understand how creativity functions in the entrepreneurial realm and be able to apply it in entrepreneurial businesses, projects or other undertakings.

Discuss the role of creativity as a foremost competitive advantage for the entrepreneurial business.

Discover more about the different practices, means and tools to both enhance and use creativity along the business’s life cycle.

Learn ways to foster creativity in the business (e.g., business atmosphere, business plan, strategy and staff).

Operate a new and practical model of creativity in order to enhance creativity in a new business.