All jobs necessitate a capacity to negotiate and bargain effectively with a range of others. For some, such as real estate agents or car salespeople, negotiation is of paramount importance. Yet, despite the huge volume of recent literature on the topic (see Roloff and Li, 2010), many practitioners receive little or no instruction or training in this dimension of practice (Gates, 2006). Furthermore, this is a skill that has to be learned and can be taught (Taylor et al., 2008). From a developmental perspective, research findings show that as children mature their capacity for complex negotiation routines becomes more refined and developed (Green and Rechis, 2006). Very young children are totally egocentric. They want what they want and they want it NOW. Learning that others also have needs and wants is an important part of the maturation process and essential for negotiation. Thus, research has shown that most children at the age of three to four years behave in a very selfish fashion, but by the age of seven to eight years have learned the importance of egalitarianism when dealing with others (Fehr et al., 2008).