Addiction is a twenty-four-hour disease. Although it may now be in remission, it will be with you for the rest of your life. The disease can be activated at any time. We know from the definition of addiction that it is a disease process that is chronic and characterized by relapse. Similar to other diseases (e.g., cancer, arthritis, and migraine headaches), for addiction the reality is that relapse is quite possible—some would even say probable. This is a concern and worry that must be kept in mind. It is important to do all you can to prevent the activation of your illness and to manage it quickly and effectively if a lapse or relapse occurs. This is particularly true during the first year of recovery, when your mind and body are getting used to day-to-day living without the effect of chemicals in the nervous system, and you are learning new knowledge, skills, and behaviors designed to support recovery and lead to serenity.