We created our own version of the IAT which compared the categories of high-and low-carbon-footprint products and the attributes ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and tested it on a random sample; a mixture of students and ordinary working people. To get an idea of the IAT procedure for yourself, try the following example. All you have to do is put the pictures and words that appear down the middle of Tables 6.1 and 6.2 into the categories that appear on the left hand side (‘Low Carbon Footprint or Good’) or the right hand side of the page (‘High Carbon Footprint or Bad’) as quickly as you can. In the normal IAT, items are assigned to categories on the left by pressing a key to the left of the keyboard (e.g. ‘Z’) or to categories on the right by pressing a key to the right of the keyboard (e.g. ‘M’). However, for the examples included here you can just tap either the left-hand side of the page or the right-hand side of the page. As in the experiment itself, you must try to do this as quickly as you can.