The figure of ‘Amr Khālid (b. 1967) is interesting not only because he is the most famous and popular of the new preachers. He has also moved Islamist culture in new directions and can in some ways be said to be a one-man movement. His early history as a preacher typifies the traits of ‘Market Islam’ (described in Chapter 3). He used to listen to the first really famous new preacher, ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Kāfī, in the exclusive social club Nādī al-Ṣayd (the Shooting Club), which is located in an affluent neighbourhood between the areas of al-Muhandisīn and al-Duqqī in central Cairo. When ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Kāfī was forced to stop preaching after some political and religious controversy surrounding his stance towards Christians, the religiously awakened ‘Amr Khālid was asked by his friends to step in for him at the club. ‘Amr Khālid's simple preaching, which focuses on narratives and personal bonding, coupled with his relaxed and amiable nature, soon drew great numbers of people to the little mosque inside the club. Subsequently, he was hosted by al-Ḥuṣarī Islamic Foundation, which is run by a former movie star, Yasmīn al-Ḥuṣarī, who is the daughter of one of Egypt's most famous Qur’ān reciters.