The pursuit of leisure is an ubiquitous activity that has been part of the human experience since the time we first strolled on this planet. In fact, the act of escaping every day stresses, whether they be hunting and gathering, or mastering quantum mechanics, for the purpose of relaxation and enjoyment transcends time, location, and culture. Often leisure activities came with obligations towards festivals, celebrations, feasts, or other special occasions. In many parts of the world, the development of entertainment coincided with the creation of a ruling class. In early advanced cultures, with clearly differentiated working roles, leisure activities were associated with those in an elite class or of high political standing. For example, the Egyptian civilization, the Assyrian and Babylonian cultures included many “leisure” activities but these were primarily activities of the upper strata in society. The ancient Greek civilization (around 500 B.C.) had a professionalization of sport and public entertainment, such as theater. To the Greeks, leisure was part of good citizenship.