Time has run and is running away with this chapter. I wrote the first draft in February 1986 arguing that it was the time for lesbians and gay men to go more on the offensive. Be Offensive-the new slogan. I’m on my third version. It’s now two weeks until 11 June 1987, polling day. Shiver. Shudder. Our lives-and our deaths-have never before been such a political issue. Like it or not politicians are talking about us, defending us or ridiculing us, when in the past we’ve been ignored. Tebbit’s remarks a year ago tipped us off and, sure enough, the Tories are stirring up anti-gay feelings to attack Labour with as well as attacking us. Lesbians and gay men are on the mainstream political agenda. If we’re organized we can ensure that lesbian and gay rights get on the mainstream political agenda. We put our demands there and developments over the last few years have been rapid. The hairy pace has been stepped up by unpredirtable events and organized opposition. Whichever way the election goes, AIDS backlash to boot, there’s no going back. So how well are we doing at going forward?