Therapist: So when he reaches for you, right now, as he leans forward and says he needs you, what happens to you? (She clasps her hands tight and looks at the floor) This is hard to take in-you are holding on to you-your hands? Wife: Yes, I want to hold on tight. I don’t believe him-I’ll respond and then (she lets go of her hands and lets them fall). Therapist: Then-if you let yourself hope and trustif you risk-suddenly he might not be there-and the fall would be awful-unbearable-? (She nods emphatically) Wife: (to therapist) If you weren’t here I’d run out of the room-right now. Therapist: Aha-I make it a little safer-yes? (She nods) Can you tell him, I am so afraid to hope-to put myself in your hands? Can you? Husband: (to therapist) She won’t risk it.