Th is chapter attempts to map out a framework for understanding the moral dimension of human resource development in education. While acknowledging the usefulness of both the more traditional ethical analyses of educational administration (Strike, Haller, & Soltis, 1998; Maxcy, 2002; Nash, 2002), and more recent attempts to open up more synthetic and late modern perspectives (Starratt, 1991; Haynes, 1998; Furman, 2003; Shapiro & Stefk ovich, 2001), this chapter attempts to name a deeper substratum of moral issues at the core of the educating process which call forth specifi c, proactive, moral responses from human resource leaders. Working with a more focused attention to the specifi c ethics of the professional practice of educating in a formal schooling context-that is, beyond the use of general ethical frameworks of justice, care, and critique-enables the development of a vocabulary and a series of analytic lenses for human resource developers to name their experiences as they face the moral challenges of leadership within the present context of their schools.