So long as Prince Saionji survives to nominate new Premiers, there will be a certain amount of guessing as to his choice, which has often been unexpected; but when the Saito Ministry resigned in July 1934, the guessing was rather as to whom the army wanted than as to whom Saionji thought most suitable. The army had the substance of power, and it was mainly its civilian admirers who wanted a military Government. The army let fall hints that it would accept Baron Hiranuma, Viscount Kiyoura, Baron Dr. Ikki, or Prince Konoe, or would even tolerate another dose of Admiral Viscount Saito, so long as he did not keep the obstinate Takahashi as his Finance Minister. General Ugaki was the foremost soldier, and was credited with a desire to be Premier, though he had declared that he hoped to die at his post as Governor-General of Korea: but the army was not keen on Ugaki, for he had consented to a reduction of its numbers when he was Minister for War.