Says Mr. Lincoln Eyre, a special correspondent of the New York World, in his recent article (see the Daily News, February 26th): “In the seven weeks I spent in Moscow three (Communist) delegates arrived from the United States, and literally scores from Germany, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Italy, China, Japan, Corea, India, Afghanistan and the countries of Asia Minor. The only important states from which few Communistic envoys come are Great Britain and France. Practically all these missionaries are obliged to travel illegally, i.e. with false passports or without any. They slip across the fighting front that encircles the Soviet Republic in most astonishing ways, risking death from all forms of hardship to reach Moscow. The one-time seat of Moscovy’s Emperors has become to Communists of the world over what Mecca is to the Mohammedan pilgrims.”