In Ego, Hunger and Aggression Fritz Perls proposed the concept of the cycle of inter-dependency of organism and environment (Perls, 1947: 44) in which he outlined a map of experience covering six phases in the process of the organism contacting the environment. Below I offer an example of this cycle in relation to an activity (my writing this point):

1. The organism is at rest A task then emerges for me and I settle to write Point 13 of

this book on my computer. 2. A disturbing factor that may be internal or external comes

into awareness Whist writing this example my three-year-old granddaughter

comes bouncing into the room demanding that I tell her a story. 3. An image or reality is created

‘Hell, my wife knows that I’m busy!’ is my initial reaction. That then subsides as I make contact with the yearning face and wide-open eyes before me.