In July 1936 Potron attended the International Congress of Mathematicians in Oslo, as a member of the delegation of the Société Mathématique de France. He presented two papers at the conference: ‘Sur l’irréductibilité de certaines intégrales Abeliennes aux transcendantes élémentaires’ in the Section ‘Analysis’, and ‘Sur les éequilibres économiques’ in the Section ‘Probability calculus, mathematical statistics, insurance mathematics and econometrics’. Succinct versions of both papers can be found in the conference proceedings (Comptes Rendus du Congrès International des Mathématiciens. Oslo 1936, Oslo, A. W. Br0ggers Boktrykkeri, 1937, Vol. II: 89–90, 210–11). Here we give a translation of the second paper only.