Potron was convinced that his mathematical model could be applied to the real world. In an attempt to solicit support for the collection of the required empirical data, he wrote a letter to the editors of the Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, who decided to publish part of it (May 1912, 53: 247–9; the title ‘Contribution mathématique à l’étude des problèmes de la production et des salaires’ appeared only on the journal’s Table of Contents). It was preceded by the following introductory remark:

We have received from Father Potron a very interesting letter with regard to statistical researches to be undertaken. We extract from it the following excerpt; some of our readers may perhaps be able to provide the statistical data which allow Mr Potron to calculate the various coefficients of the formulas he has established; please send them to the secretary-general who will communicate them to the author.

The Editors