THOSE who have been persuaded to regard Dr. Josef Goebbels merely as a firebrand propagandist out to exploit any means of publicity in the Nazi interest, may be surprised to learn that from time to time this much-criticised party leader voices observations of great significance and truth. At the recent “World Conference for Leisure Time and Recreation” held at Hamburg (this important aspect of modern German life is discussed elsewhere), Dr. Goebbels said to the gathering of international delegates:

During my visit to Germany I was immensely impressed by the obvious spirit of selfrespect and national pride which sat upon all. It was reflected in a new cast of countenance, no longer hang-dog, no longer abject: a cast of countenance put on by a people conscious that at long last something was being done to make the future less uncertain and more pleasant to contemplate. I found evidence of the truth of the Propaganda Minister’s words wherever I went. It was never more strongly emphasised than in the much-discussed c ompulsory labour camps.