EXAMINATION of the salient features of European history from the period of the Heptarchy in our own country and the establishment of the Empire of Charlemagne on the Continent quickly shows that there was always a close contact between the Teutonic peoples, of which the Anglo-Saxons who founded the English state were an offshoot, and the more numerous family of German tribes across the water. The Norman Conquest did not materially affect the mainsprings of blood and population of the island: the island language remained and the use of Norman French was confined to the court where it still has picturesque survivals. Our island institutions were based on those of the great German family. In both countries they emerged from a feudal system which was later to be developed on different lines, centralised in the King in England, divided among the princes in Germany. Both the Anglo-Saxon and German nations come from the same stock. This cannot be gainsaid. As history went on its way a difference of circumstance caused the two peoples to develop differently. For one thing our island position gave us a greater sense of independence and self-reliance-traits which are to be found in the individual Britisher to-day. The constant internecine quarrels in the Empire and the incidence of the feudal system destroyed those qualities in the German people and imbued in their spirit a herd instinct; created a nation always willing to obey. It has often been said that the Germans are a disciplined people. That is not quite true. Of all nations in the world the one that most readily lends itself to and accepts discipline is the British. Our ingrained idea of law and order is sufficient proof of what I say. The German characteristic is one of implicit obedience and submission to authority. In these two respects our nations differ, but in spite of the widely diverging histories of Great Britain and Germany, the two nations still have a great number of things in common. Both peoples are progressive: both peoples have inquiring minds: both rate achievement of more importance than imagination. How true this is may be judged from the dull way cooks in both countries prepare good food.