Was his task, therefore, ended on January 30, 1933? “We have won, but that is no reason for losing courage,” said a leading Nazi of Jacobin tendency on the evening of that day. Serious journals, whose political opinions are respected throughout the world, declared that Hugenberg was the real victor. Taking the Reich and Prussia together, he had no less than four Ministries under his control; and these were the Ministries controlling trade and commerce, which in those prosaic days were regarded as the true source of all political power. Count Schwerin-Krosigk, who had very little sympathy with National Socialism, might be expected to keep a tight hold on the money-bags in his capacity as Finance Minister. In the Reichswehr Schleicher’s influence was apparently still very great. Hence National Socialism’s entry into the Government could hardly be looked upon as the great Nazi Revolution. In fact, this was only about to begin. In these days there began the greatest and most terrible-though not the most difficult-campaign that Hitler had as yet led.