Teaching and learning should be inseparable, in that learning is a criterion and product  of effective teaching. In essence, learning is the goal of teaching. However, teaching  is no longer considered as something done to students in order for learning to occur.  Rather,  both  teaching  and  learning  happen  at  the  same  time,  and both processes  are completed by  learners. This constructivist view promotes  the  idea  that  learners  best  learn when they build their own understanding of  the concepts  in hand. Thus,  the  teacher’s  role  in  this process  is  to  facilitate students’ active  involvement  in  their  own  learning.  (Committee on Undergraduate Science Education, National Research  Council, 1997: 2)

is quote from an august body of individuals clearly links teaching and learning, and explicates their interdependence. us, as teachers, we cannot focus on teaching without considering its impact on learning, and vice versa. In our attempt to support this notion, we will weave the two ideas into one, as they must co-exist in the secondary science classroom.