Jeffrey and Marge were very animated as they left the movie theater after seeing Pretty Woman. The lovemaking scenes in this R-rated movie were hot and inviting. Jeffery said, “How come we don’t have great sex? Why can’t you be like Julia Roberts?” Marge’s mood immediately changed. She felt attacked, so she counterattacked by saying, “Why can’t you be successful, wealthy, and sexy like Richard Gere?” Within five minutes the good feelings had disappeared, and Jeffrey and Marge were back in the familiar attack-counterattack mode that occurred whenever they talked about their sexual relationship. How can something that should be so natural and loving turn into a source of negativity and frustration? About half the couples reading about Jeffrey and Marge think, “I’m glad we don’t have those kinds of sexual problems.” Unfortunately, the other half of you identify, to a greater or lesser extent, with their sexual disappointment and frustration.