Heretofore, we have been concerned to discover whether, and how, God can manage to do anything in the world, if He is a disembodied being, a being outside of space and perhaps also outside of time. Now we must examine another question. Grant, if you will, that God can do things. It remains an important question whether God can know what He has done-and indeed, can know anything at all about His world. Could, for example, a Cartesian demon deceive the deity? Just as invoking divine omnipotence will not solve the metaphysical issues raised by the notion of divine causal power, invoking divine omniscience will not solve the epistemological problems raised by divine cognition. In the fi rst case, we have had to understand the nature of God-to-world causation, and whether such a thing is even possible. In the second, we shall have to understand world-to-God causation, and whether such a thing as that is possible.