Th e letter in this chapter refl ects the complex feelings of rejection that a child experiences when others perceive his looks or body as not measuring up to prevailing standards. Many children with sensory integration disorder or other kinds of motor problems are clumsy and may look odd when running, climbing, or engaging in sports activities (Klass & Costello, 2003; Miller, 2006). Some children are born with genetic problems that make their face unusual-looking, a bit “out-of-sync.” Th ere are others still who experience low muscle tone and fi nd that it takes a great deal of eff ort to move about in their spatial environment. Th e hypotonic child may opt for sedentary activities. Some children turn to eating because of a limited repertoire of leisure time activities. Food also provides comfort to the child who is anxious and distraught about his body. It serves as a source of comfort and nurturing, especially when nurturance may not be perceived as forthcoming from caregivers and peers.