MOST COGENTLY, Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space is a discourse of cul-

tural latency that looks to tracing salient moments of innovation that evidence

a radicalization of imagination and form in poetic writing. Prior to the Poetics,

however, Bachelard had developed as a philosopher of science, concerned

with the manner in which scientifi c thought structures and legitimates its

operations. The Poetics, then, seems to mark a radical departure from such

interest in ‘scientifi city’ in its deployment of a richly associative ‘phenomeno-

logical’ style and in its concern to track the germinal impulse within a variety

of poetic works. Indeed, the Poetics is an attempt to develop a form of dis-

course (phenomenology) that accounts for the instigation of ‘image’ within

creative thought – literally the germinal moment of creative imagining – quite

specifi cally challenging the aptitude of causal, linear modes of thought to

account for, let alone propitiate, such birthing. ‘Image’ is the name given to

those moments of cultural intensity that burst expectation and proliferate

wildly, radicalizing the cultural fi eld.