The Roman Empire was divided in the fourth century AD, and just before the year 400 Christianity became its dominant religion. During the fifth century the invasion of the Germanic tribes gained momentum and the Western Roman Empire fell. Antiquity drew to a close and the Middle Ages began. 1 We will first look at certain changes that took place once Christianity had become the dominant religion in the Roman Empire. Afterwards we will look at some changes that occurred during the transition from the Roman Empire to medieval society. We have said that social conditions in the Hellenistic-Roman period probably led to a certain political resignation and lack of interest in theoretical philosophy. Philosophy especially focused on personal ethical problems. But during late antiquity, this philosophy of life was felt to be insufficient, and many people began to seek a religious answer. Neoplatonism and, to some extent, late Stoicism expressed this reawakened religious longing. And Christianity found good soil for its growth.