To ask for consistency in these deliverances would no doubt be censured by Hegel as a 34<0=3>5A4X42C8E4A40B>=8=6DC85C74:8=6<0H1405>>;F7>B420?A824<0HH4C34C4A<8=4 the government of the state, the opinion of the people is allowed no such latitude. The people, without the monarch and the articulation of the whole into ranks, classes, corporations and so forth, is the formless mass which is no longer a state (p. 360). That the organization of the people as a voting power might be a necessary corrective of the social divisions incident to a large and developed society, does not seem to have suggested itself to Hegel. The people, as far 0BC70CF>A34G?A4BB4B0B?4280;?>AC8>=>5C74<4<14AB>5C74BC0C48BC70C?>AC8>=F7827 does not know what it wants (p. 386). Special interests should be represented, but to let the many elect representatives is to give hostages to accident (p. 398). Goethe is quoted with 0??A>E0;0BB0H8=6C70CSC74<0BB4B20=W67C)74A4C74H0A4A4B?42C01;4)748A9D36<4=C 8B<8B4A01;4T>A0BC74<>34A=4A<0=?7A0B4?DCB8CC74H0A4S20==>=5>334AT%D1;82 >?8=8>=0;F0HB2>=C08=B0=D=34A;H8=6CADC71DC8B0;F0HB50;B48=8CB4G?A4BB8>=C<DBC 140B<D2734B?8B430BA4B?42C43? C2>=C08=B0;;4AA>A0=3CADC70=3C>W=3C74 truth in it is the work of the great man (p. 404). We must not ask the people them selves what they think apparently, but we must tell them what they think. The principal guarantee of the freedom of the press is the guarantee of contempt. The claim to say and write what one will is parallel to the freedom to do what one will (p. 404). The landowning class is alone suited for participation in political power on account of its property, which secures it both against the government and against the uncertainty of trade (pp. 391-2).