In the fi rst chapter, it was discussed how orthodox masculinity is principally constructed in opposition to femininity and homosexuality. I explained that around the turn of the 20th Century, the second industrial revolution infl uenced this new form of masculinity. In the second chapter, I discussed the role of sport in building masculine capital, and the considerable consequences that orthodox masculinity brought to gay men, women, and the very men who possess it. However, one might question just how orthodox masculinity has retained such cultural dominance throughout the previous century. How has orthodox masculinity resisted the fi rst, second, and now third wave of feminism, the gay liberationist’ ideals of the 1970s and 1980s, and the gay assimilationist efforts of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s? How, despite all of this progressive activism, cultural awareness, and even increasing legislative equality, has the symbolic and real power of the ‘goodold boy’ retained such power?