Mental being is one of the three Sadrian modes of being and in its origins seems to invoke the famous Platonic notion of mental language. In this chapter, I examine his proofs for the existence of mental reality and mental language, and discuss its relationship with three other aspects of mental being that relate to the other modes of being. The first of these is the being of the mind that is extra-mental and distinct from mental being. How does it relate to mental being and to other extra-mental beings such as other minds, souls and intellects? It is at this point that the question of panpsychism and the intensification in the psychic mode of being is considered. The second aspect is epistemological. The relationship between mental being and the extra-mental realm concerns knowledge. I discuss the homonymous nature of knowledge and focus on his theory of knowledge by presence, an intensifying method of knowing that reflects a cognition of an intensifying scale of being. The third aspect is the concept of being that is a secondary intelligible and distinct both from mental being and the being of the mind and yet it acts as a crucial mediator between the two.