A popular starting point for an excursion into British imperialism is to ask whether it is possible to identify any ideological progenies that were perpetuated between one Dependency and the next—whether that Dependency was a Protectorate, a Crown Colony, or a Mandated Territory. It was inevitably accompanied by something more robust, but the notion of benevolent, compassionate and ethical imperial government was common to India, Africa and the Middle and Far East. The method of colonial government that became known as Indirect Rule thanks to Captain Lugard and his work in Northern Nigeria, became especially popular in Africa between the two world wars. Lugard of Africa, Cromer of Egypt and Lawrence of Arabia wrote more than official despatches to the metropolis. Lugard was a skilled diplomat and he achieved his aim within a week of his arrival. The Treaty signed between himself and Mwanga granted large powers to the British East Africa Company.