In the Disney movie Fantasia, Mickey Mouse takes the role of the sorcerer’s apprentice. It is a story that dates back 2,000 years to a Middle Eastern tale of a powerful sorcerer and his apprentice who watches the master’s great feats and wants to learn the secrets of the magic. The apprentice (Mickey Mouse) is consigned to perform menial tasks, including getting water from a well. But the apprentice aspires to be a great sorcerer himself (of course), and borrowing the sorcerer’s magic hat one night, he casts a spell to animate a broom and get it to fetch water for the household. At first he’s successful, and soon he begins to dream of becoming a great sorcerer and commanding the stars, the clouds, and the waves. The problem

The Problem of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice 17 The Current State of Psychotherapy 19

Therapy Is Effective in Helping People With Mental Disorders, Adjustment Problems, and Relational Difficulties in Life 19 Therapy Can Be Effective Quickly and Is a Cost-Effective Treatment 19 Despite These Potential Benefits, It Is Still Difficult to Get Treatment for Those Who Need It and Retain Them as Clients so That They Get the Help They Need 20 Finally, as the Above Suggests, the Truth Is That Effective Therapy Is Not Being Provided on a Consistent Basis 20

Proposed Solutions and Their Limitations 20 Suggested Solutions to Improve the Process of Learning How to Become an Effective Therapist: The Movement Toward “Manualization” 21 The Search for an Integrated Approach to Therapy 23

Learning from Experts-Those Who Demonstrate Their Effectiveness 25 Personal Characteristics of “Master Therapists” 26

The Cognitive Domain 26 The Emotional Domain 27 The Relational Domain 28

The Purpose of This Book: Learning to Think Like a Therapist 28 Endnotes 29

is, he can’t make the broom stop fetching water, and it begins to flood the house! In a panic, the apprentice tries to hack the broom to pieces with an ax. But each fragment becomes a whole broom, and the army of brooms brings a deluge of water that floods the entire house. Just when it seems that there is no hope of controlling the spreading deluge, the sorcerer appears as a deus ex machina, takes his hat back from the apprentice, magically dries up the flood, and restores order. The sorcerer chastises the apprentice for mistaking technique for mastery and overestimating his powers.