Barack Obama’s decision to run for president of the United States in 2007 was a stroke of genius. Everyone told him he was too young and it was not his time. But Barack Obama is one of the most brilliant political figures of our time, and he is uniquely qualified to lead America. Obama has created a new paradigm on how campaigns will be run in the twenty-first century, as well as a new political rhetoric. At a time when politics in America is filled with cynicism and partisan bickering, Obama sees an optimistic future for Americans and challenges America to be so audacious. In his keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, he introduced himself to America and spoke passionately about “one America.” In a country that continues to judge people based on their race, and the size of their pocketbooks, Obama appeals to America to make good on its promises. One of his most brilliant characteristics is his sense of timing. He knew that America would be ready for him even if the establishment was not. Obama looked to the future when his opponents looked to the past. His campaign slogan embodied it: Change We Can Believe In.