A volunteer is defi ned as an individual who helps others in sport through formal organizations such as clubs or GBoS while receiving no remuneration except expenses (English Sports Council, 1996). The sports volunteer contributes a signifi cant amount of time and effort in supporting sport in the UK. The English Sports Council 1996 summary of major fi ndings from a Sports Council survey into the voluntary sector of UK sport estimates that the total annual value of the UK sports volunteer market is over £1.5 billion. Sport England reported in 2003 that there were over 5.8 million volunteers contributing 1.2 billion hours each year to sport and argued that without volunteer involvement sports would struggle to survive (Sport England, 2003). Among this volunteer workforce of offi cials, administrators, parents, helpers, etc. is the sports coach, who dedicates many hours during evenings and weekends in order to improve the performer without regard to his or her own recognition or reward.