Whatdoes lookingat contract inperspectivemean?Whoseperspective is being referred to and why does it matter? In my view, the first perspective we should start with is yours. By the time you finish reading this book you will probably have made tens, if not hundreds, of contracts. Each time you buy a pair of jeans or a CD, go to a nightclub, get on a bus, rent a DVD, order a book from Amazon or register for your latest course, you are entering into a contract. Few people in a modern society could survive without exchanging their labour for money, and their money for goods and services. Moreover, each exchange you make is probably only possible because of earlier exchanges between, for instance, the music store and the distributor, the distributor and the record company, the record company and the artist, and the artist and his or her manager. It should soon become clear to you that the law of contract is not a remote and archaic body of rules but a living area of law with which you engage on a daily basis.